Was created in 1986 by a group of professionals with a wide experience in the field of thermal treatment processes. Providing industrial treatment services with a fast, efficient response which meets market requirements. Achieving this through a professional workforce and with the availability and employment of the best possible means on the market, which has enabled us to build up a world wide reputation as

In consequence of an ever-increasing market demand, as far as human and technical means, availability and quality-guarantee of the provided services are concerned, together with the employment of new, high-performance, high specification materials, we maintain a continuous research and development policy into products, labour and production systems, which have lead us to become pioneers in our sector in the obtaining of ISO-UNE 9002/94 certification for our work systems and quality assurance.
We are ale to provide you with our services in:
- Cooper Tratamientos Térmicos can provide completely thermal or heat treatment service at world wide aplications including desing, development procedure, temperature and thermal stress calculations by F.E.A.:
- Electrical, Pre and Postweld heat Treatment.
- Modular Temporary Furnaces(Electric, Gas or Oil-Fired).
- High Velocity Combustion Equipment(Gas or Oil-Fired).
- Refractory dryout and curing.
- Stress relief treatment with vibration (VSR), through SUB-harmonic vibration.
- Heat expansion processes for shaft pitch setting, etc.
- Shotblasting chamber.
- Equipment and accessories for hydraulic testing 500 Bar.
- Air dehumidifiers.
- Equipment hire.
- Heat treatment at our own workshops for:
- Carbon and alloy steels.
- Stainless steel.
- Aluminium and cooper alloys, etc.
- The desing, manufacture and supply of equipment, electric heating elements, furnaces, control panels, thermocouples and accesories.